
Generic Potential

template <class TCollisions> class Potential

Base class for potentials.

Template Parameters:
class TCollisions

The type of the collisions.

Public Functions

Potential() = default
virtual ~Potential() = default
double operator()(const TCollisions& collisions,
 CollisionMesh& mesh
, const Eigen::MatrixXd& X)

Compute the potential for a set of collisions.

const TCollisions &collisions

The set of collisions.

const CollisionMesh &mesh

The collision mesh.

const Eigen::MatrixXd &X

Degrees of freedom of the collision mesh (e.g., vertices or velocities).


The potential for a set of collisions.

Eigen::VectorXd gradient(const TCollisions& collisions,
 CollisionMesh& mesh
, const Eigen::MatrixXd& X)

Compute the gradient of the potential.

const TCollisions &collisions

The set of collisions.

const CollisionMesh &mesh

The collision mesh.

const Eigen::MatrixXd &X

Degrees of freedom of the collision mesh (e.g., vertices or velocities).


The gradient of the potential w.r.t. X. This will have a size of |X|.

Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> hessian(const TCollisions& collisions,
 CollisionMesh& mesh
, const Eigen::MatrixXd& X,
 PSDProjectionMethod project_hessian_to_psd
= PSDProjectionMethod::NONE

Compute the hessian of the potential.

const TCollisions &collisions

The set of collisions.

const CollisionMesh &mesh

The collision mesh.

const Eigen::MatrixXd &X

Degrees of freedom of the collision mesh (e.g., vertices or velocities).

const PSDProjectionMethod project_hessian_to_psd = PSDProjectionMethod::NONE

Make sure the hessian is positive semi-definite.


The Hessian of the potential w.r.t. X. This will have a size of |X|×|X|.

virtual double operator()(
 TCollision& collision
, const VectorMax12d& x)
 const = 0

Compute the potential for a single collision.

const TCollision &collision

The collision.

const VectorMax12d &x

The collision stencil’s degrees of freedom.


The potential.

virtual VectorMax12d gradient(
 TCollision& collision
, const VectorMax12d& x)
 const = 0

Compute the gradient of the potential for a single collision.

const TCollision &collision

The collision.

const VectorMax12d &x

The collision stencil’s degrees of freedom.


The gradient of the potential.

virtual MatrixMax12d hessian(const TCollision& collision,
 VectorMax12d& x
 PSDProjectionMethod project_hessian_to_psd
= PSDProjectionMethod::NONE
 const = 0

Compute the hessian of the potential for a single collision.

const TCollision &collision

The collision.

const VectorMax12d &x

The collision stencil’s degrees of freedom.


The hessian of the potential.

Protected Types

using TCollision = typename TCollisions::value_type

Distance-based Potential

class DistanceBasedPotential : public ipc::Potential<Collisions>

Inheritence diagram for ipc::DistanceBasedPotential:

digraph { graph [bgcolor="#00000000"] node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2] edge [color="#1414CE"] "1" [label="ipc::DistanceBasedPotential" tooltip="ipc::DistanceBasedPotential" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"] "3" [label="ipc::BarrierPotential" tooltip="ipc::BarrierPotential"] "2" [label="ipc::Potential< Collisions >" tooltip="ipc::Potential< Collisions >"] "1" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] "3" -> "1" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] }

Collaboration diagram for ipc::DistanceBasedPotential:

digraph { graph [bgcolor="#00000000"] node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2] edge [color="#1414CE"] "1" [label="ipc::DistanceBasedPotential" tooltip="ipc::DistanceBasedPotential" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"] "2" [label="ipc::Potential< Collisions >" tooltip="ipc::Potential< Collisions >"] "1" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] }

Base class for distance-based potentials.

Subclassed by ipc::BarrierPotential

Public Functions

DistanceBasedPotential() = default
virtual ~DistanceBasedPotential() = default
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> shape_derivative(
 Collisions& collisions
, const CollisionMesh& mesh,
 Eigen::MatrixXd& vertices

Compute the shape derivative of the potential.

const Collisions &collisions

The set of collisions.

const CollisionMesh &mesh

The collision mesh.

const Eigen::MatrixXd &vertices

Vertices of the collision mesh.


std::runtime_error – If the collision collisions were not built with shape derivatives enabled.


The derivative of the force with respect to X, the rest vertices.

double operator()(const Collision& collision,
 VectorMax12d& positions
 const override

Compute the potential for a single collision.

const Collision &collision

The collision.

const VectorMax12d &positions

The collision stencil’s positions.


The potential.

VectorMax12d gradient(const Collision& collision,
 VectorMax12d& positions
 const override

Compute the gradient of the potential for a single collision.

const Collision &collision

The collision.

const VectorMax12d &positions

The collision stencil’s positions.


The gradient of the potential.

MatrixMax12d hessian(const Collision& collision,
 VectorMax12d& positions
 PSDProjectionMethod project_hessian_to_psd
= PSDProjectionMethod::NONE
 const override

Compute the hessian of the potential for a single collision.

const Collision &collision

The collision.

const VectorMax12d &positions

The collision stencil’s positions.


The hessian of the potential.

void shape_derivative(const Collision& collision,
 std::array<long, 4>& vertex_ids
 VectorMax12d& rest_positions
 VectorMax12d& positions
::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double>>& out

Compute the shape derivative of the potential for a single collision.

const Collision &collision

[in] The collision.

const std::array<long, 4> &vertex_ids

[in] The collision stencil’s vertex ids.

const VectorMax12d &rest_positions

[in] The collision stencil’s rest positions.

const VectorMax12d &positions

[in] The collision stencil’s positions.

std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double>> &out

[inout] Store the triplets of the shape derivative here.

Protected Functions

virtual double distance_based_potential(
 double distance_sqr
, const double dmin = 0)
 const = 0

Compute the unmollified distance-based potential for a collisions.

const double distance_sqr

The distance (squared) between the two objects.

const double dmin = 0

The minimum distance (unsquared) between the two objects.


The unmollified distance-based potential.

virtual double distance_based_potential_gradient(
 double distance_sqr
, const double dmin = 0)
 const = 0

Compute the gradient of the unmollified distance-based potential for a collision.

const double distance_sqr

The distance (squared) between the two objects.

const double dmin = 0

The minimum distance (unsquared) between the two objects.


The gradient of the unmollified distance-based potential.

virtual double distance_based_potential_hessian(
 double distance_sqr
, const double dmin = 0)
 const = 0

Compute the hessian of the unmollified distance-based potential for a collision.

const double distance_sqr

The distance (squared) between the two objects.

const double dmin = 0

The minimum distance (unsquared) between the two objects.


The hessian of the unmollified distance-based potential.

Private Types

using Super = Potential<Collisions>

Barrier Potential

class BarrierPotential : public ipc::DistanceBasedPotential

Inheritence diagram for ipc::BarrierPotential:

digraph { graph [bgcolor="#00000000"] node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2] edge [color="#1414CE"] "2" [label="ipc::DistanceBasedPotential" tooltip="ipc::DistanceBasedPotential"] "1" [label="ipc::BarrierPotential" tooltip="ipc::BarrierPotential" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"] "3" [label="ipc::Potential< Collisions >" tooltip="ipc::Potential< Collisions >"] "2" -> "3" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] "1" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] }

Collaboration diagram for ipc::BarrierPotential:

digraph { graph [bgcolor="#00000000"] node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2] edge [color="#1414CE"] "2" [label="ipc::DistanceBasedPotential" tooltip="ipc::DistanceBasedPotential"] "1" [label="ipc::BarrierPotential" tooltip="ipc::BarrierPotential" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"] "3" [label="ipc::Potential< Collisions >" tooltip="ipc::Potential< Collisions >"] "2" -> "3" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] "1" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] }

The barrier collision potential.

Public Functions

explicit BarrierPotential(
 double dhat
, const bool use_physical_barrier = false)

Construct a barrier potential.

const double dhat

The activation distance of the barrier.

BarrierPotential(const std::shared_ptr<Barrier> barrier,
 double dhat
, const bool use_physical_barrier = false)

Construct a barrier potential.

const double dhat

The activation distance of the barrier.

inline double dhat() const

Get the activation distance of the barrier.

inline void set_dhat(const double dhat)

Set the activation distance of the barrier.

const double dhat

The activation distance of the barrier.

inline const Barrier& barrier() const

Get the barrier function used to compute the potential.

inline void set_barrier(const std::shared_ptr<Barrier> barrier)

Set the barrier function used to compute the potential.

const std::shared_ptr<Barrier> barrier

The barrier function used to compute the potential.

inline bool use_physical_barrier() const

Get whether to use the physical barrier.


When using the convergent formulation we want the barrier to have units of Pa⋅m, so κ gets units of Pa and the barrier function should have units of m. See notebooks/physical_barrier.ipynb for more details.

inline void set_use_physical_barrier(bool use_physical_barrier)

Set use physical barrier flag.


When using the convergent formulation we want the barrier to have units of Pa⋅m, so κ gets units of Pa and the barrier function should have units of m. See notebooks/physical_barrier.ipynb for more details.

bool use_physical_barrier

Whether to use the physical barrier.

Protected Functions

virtual double distance_based_potential(const double distance_sqr,
 double dmin = 0
 const override

Compute the barrier potential for a collision.

const double distance_sqr

The distance (squared) between the two objects.

const double dmin = 0

The minimum distance (unsquared) between the two objects.


The barrier potential.

virtual double distance_based_potential_gradient(
 double distance_sqr
 double dmin = 0
 const override

Compute the gradient of the barrier potential for a collision.

const double distance_sqr

The distance (squared) between the two objects.

const double dmin = 0

The minimum distance (unsquared) between the two objects.


The gradient of the barrier potential.

virtual double distance_based_potential_hessian(
 double distance_sqr
 double dmin = 0
 const override

Compute the hessian of the barrier potential for a collision.

const double distance_sqr

The distance (squared) between the two objects.

const double dmin = 0

The minimum distance (unsquared) between the two objects.


The hessian of the barrier potential.

Protected Attributes

std::shared_ptr<Barrier> m_barrier
= std::make_shared<ClampedLogBarrier>()

The barrier function used to compute the potential.

double m_dhat

The activation distance of the barrier.

bool m_use_physical_barrier = false

Whether to use the physical barrier.


When using the convergent formulation we want the barrier to have units of Pa⋅m, so κ gets units of Pa and the barrier function should have units of m. See notebooks/physical_barrier.ipynb for more details.

Friction Potential

class FrictionPotential : public ipc::Potential<FrictionCollisions>

Inheritence diagram for ipc::FrictionPotential:

digraph { graph [bgcolor="#00000000"] node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2] edge [color="#1414CE"] "1" [label="ipc::FrictionPotential" tooltip="ipc::FrictionPotential" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"] "2" [label="ipc::Potential< FrictionCollisions >" tooltip="ipc::Potential< FrictionCollisions >"] "1" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] }

Collaboration diagram for ipc::FrictionPotential:

digraph { graph [bgcolor="#00000000"] node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2] edge [color="#1414CE"] "1" [label="ipc::FrictionPotential" tooltip="ipc::FrictionPotential" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"] "2" [label="ipc::Potential< FrictionCollisions >" tooltip="ipc::Potential< FrictionCollisions >"] "1" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] }

The friction dissipative potential.

Public Types

enum class DiffWRT

Variable to differentiate the friction force with respect to.



Differentiate w.r.t. rest positions.


Differentiate w.r.t. lagged displacements.

enumerator VELOCITIES

Differentiate w.r.t. current velocities.

Public Functions

explicit FrictionPotential(const double epsv)

Construct a friction potential.

const double epsv

The smooth friction mollifier parameter \(\epsilon_v\).

inline double epsv() const

Get the smooth friction mollifier parameter \(\epsilon_v\).

inline void set_epsv(const double epsv)

Set the smooth friction mollifier parameter \(\epsilon_v\).

const double epsv

The smooth friction mollifier parameter \(\epsilon_v\).

Eigen::VectorXd force(const FrictionCollisions& collisions,
 CollisionMesh& mesh
 Eigen::MatrixXd& rest_positions
 Eigen::MatrixXd& lagged_displacements
 Eigen::MatrixXd& velocities
 BarrierPotential& barrier_potential
 double barrier_stiffness
, const double dmin = 0,
 bool no_mu = false

Compute the friction force from the given velocities.

const FrictionCollisions &collisions

The set of collisions.

const CollisionMesh &mesh

The collision mesh.

const Eigen::MatrixXd &rest_positions

Rest positions of the vertices (rowwise).

const Eigen::MatrixXd &lagged_displacements

Previous displacements of the vertices (rowwise).

const Eigen::MatrixXd &velocities

Current displacements of the vertices (rowwise).

const BarrierPotential &barrier_potential

Barrier potential (used for normal force magnitude).

const double barrier_stiffness

Barrier stiffness (used for normal force magnitude).

const double dmin = 0

Minimum distance (used for normal force magnitude).

const bool no_mu = false

whether to not multiply by mu


The friction force.

Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> force_jacobian(
 FrictionCollisions& collisions
, const CollisionMesh& mesh,
 Eigen::MatrixXd& rest_positions
 Eigen::MatrixXd& lagged_displacements
 Eigen::MatrixXd& velocities
 BarrierPotential& barrier_potential
 double barrier_stiffness
, const DiffWRT wrt,
 double dmin = 0

Compute the Jacobian of the friction force wrt the velocities.

const FrictionCollisions &collisions

The set of collisions.

const CollisionMesh &mesh

The collision mesh.

const Eigen::MatrixXd &rest_positions

Rest positions of the vertices (rowwise).

const Eigen::MatrixXd &lagged_displacements

Previous displacements of the vertices (rowwise).

const Eigen::MatrixXd &velocities

Current displacements of the vertices (rowwise).

const BarrierPotential &barrier_potential

Barrier potential (used for normal force magnitude).

const double barrier_stiffness

Barrier stiffness (used for normal force magnitude).

const DiffWRT wrt

The variable to take the derivative with respect to.

const double dmin = 0

Minimum distance (used for normal force magnitude).


The Jacobian of the friction force wrt the velocities.

double operator()(const FrictionCollision& collision,
 VectorMax12d& velocities
 const override

Compute the potential for a single collision.

const FrictionCollision &collision

The collision

const VectorMax12d &velocities

The collision stencil’s velocities.


The potential.

VectorMax12d gradient(const FrictionCollision& collision,
 VectorMax12d& velocities
 const override

Compute the gradient of the potential for a single collision.

const FrictionCollision &collision

The collision

const VectorMax12d &velocities

The collision stencil’s velocities.


The gradient of the potential.

MatrixMax12d hessian(const FrictionCollision& collision,
 VectorMax12d& velocities
 PSDProjectionMethod project_hessian_to_psd
= PSDProjectionMethod::NONE
 const override

Compute the hessian of the potential for a single collision.

const FrictionCollision &collision

The collision

const VectorMax12d &velocities

The collision stencil’s velocities.


The hessian of the potential.

VectorMax12d force(const FrictionCollision& collision,
 VectorMax12d& rest_positions
 VectorMax12d& lagged_displacements
 VectorMax12d& velocities
 BarrierPotential& barrier_potential
 double barrier_stiffness
, const double dmin = 0,
 bool no_mu = false

Compute the friction force.

const FrictionCollision &collision

The collision

const VectorMax12d &rest_positions

Rest positions of the vertices (rowwise).

const VectorMax12d &lagged_displacements

Previous displacements of the vertices (rowwise).

const VectorMax12d &velocities

Current displacements of the vertices (rowwise).

const BarrierPotential &barrier_potential

Barrier potential (used for normal force magnitude).

const double barrier_stiffness

Barrier stiffness (used for normal force magnitude).

const double dmin = 0

Minimum distance (used for normal force magnitude).

const bool no_mu = false

Whether to not multiply by mu


Friction force

MatrixMax12d force_jacobian(const FrictionCollision& collision,
 VectorMax12d& rest_positions
 VectorMax12d& lagged_displacements
 VectorMax12d& velocities
 BarrierPotential& barrier_potential
 double barrier_stiffness
, const DiffWRT wrt,
 double dmin = 0

Compute the friction force Jacobian.

const FrictionCollision &collision

The collision

const VectorMax12d &rest_positions

Rest positions of the vertices (rowwise).

const VectorMax12d &lagged_displacements

Previous displacements of the vertices (rowwise).

const VectorMax12d &velocities

Current displacements of the vertices (rowwise).

const BarrierPotential &barrier_potential

Barrier potential (used for normal force magnitude).

const double barrier_stiffness

Barrier stiffness (used for normal force magnitude).

const DiffWRT wrt

Variable to differentiate the friction force with respect to.

const double dmin = 0

Minimum distance (used for normal force magnitude).


Friction force Jacobian

Eigen::VectorXd gradient(const TCollisions& collisions,
 CollisionMesh& mesh
, const Eigen::MatrixXd& X)

Compute the gradient of the potential.

const TCollisions &collisions

The set of collisions.

const CollisionMesh &mesh

The collision mesh.

const Eigen::MatrixXd &X

Degrees of freedom of the collision mesh (e.g., vertices or velocities).


The gradient of the potential w.r.t. X. This will have a size of |X|.

VectorMax12d gradient(
 TCollision& collision
, const VectorMax12d& x)
 const = 0

Compute the gradient of the potential for a single collision.

const TCollision &collision

The collision.

const VectorMax12d &x

The collision stencil’s degrees of freedom.


The gradient of the potential.

Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> hessian(const TCollisions& collisions,
 CollisionMesh& mesh
, const Eigen::MatrixXd& X,
 PSDProjectionMethod project_hessian_to_psd
= PSDProjectionMethod::NONE

Compute the hessian of the potential.

const TCollisions &collisions

The set of collisions.

const CollisionMesh &mesh

The collision mesh.

const Eigen::MatrixXd &X

Degrees of freedom of the collision mesh (e.g., vertices or velocities).

const PSDProjectionMethod project_hessian_to_psd = PSDProjectionMethod::NONE

Make sure the hessian is positive semi-definite.


The Hessian of the potential w.r.t. X. This will have a size of |X|×|X|.

MatrixMax12d hessian(const TCollision& collision,
 VectorMax12d& x
 PSDProjectionMethod project_hessian_to_psd
= PSDProjectionMethod::NONE
 const = 0

Compute the hessian of the potential for a single collision.

const TCollision &collision

The collision.

const VectorMax12d &x

The collision stencil’s degrees of freedom.


The hessian of the potential.

Protected Attributes

double m_epsv

The smooth friction mollifier parameter \(\epsilon_v\).

Private Types

using Super = Potential

Last update: Sep 10, 2024