Physical Simulation

While the IPC Toolkit provides all the principle components of the IPC algorithm, it does not provide a complete simulation framework. Instead, it provides building blocks that can be used to integrate the IPC algorithm into a physical simulation. If all you want is a complete simulation framework using the IPC algorithm, then you should check out our other project PolyFEM which uses the IPC Toolkit for its collision handling.

We provide several helper functions to make your job easier. The following examples show how to use these functions.

Volumetric Meshes

The IPC Toolkit only handles surface meshes (through the CollisionMesh). However, the finite element method often relies on volumetric discretization. In this case, the computed gradients and Hessians need to be mapped back to the full volumetric mesh. The CollisionMesh class provides this functionality.

From the full (volumetric) mesh vertices and surface edges/faces which index into the full mesh vertices, you can build a CollisionMesh using the function CollisionMesh::build_from_full_mesh. This will internally build and store a selection matrix that goes from the full to surface vertices as well as map the edge/faces entries accordingly.

Eigen::MatrixXd full_rest_positions;
Eigen::MatrixXi tets;
// TODO: Show how to load a volumetric mesh from a file (e.g., using MshIO)

// Faces of the surface mesh with indices into full_rest_positions
Eigen::MatrixXd faces;
igl::boundary_facets(tets, faces);

// Edges of the surface mesh with indices into full_rest_positions
Eigen::MatrixXi edges;
igl::edges(faces, edges);

ipc::CollisionMesh collision_mesh =
    ipc::CollisionMesh::build_from_full_mesh(full_rest_positions, edges, faces);
mesh ="bunny.msh")
full_rest_positions = mesh.points
tets = mesh.cells_dict["tetra"]

faces = igl.boundary_facets(tets)  # pip install libigl
edges = ipctk.edges(faces)         # same as igl.edges

collision_mesh = ipctk.CollisionMesh.build_from_full_mesh(
    full_rest_positions, edges, faces)

This CollisionMesh can then be used just as any other CollisionMesh. However, when passing the collision mesh to toolkit functions, the vertices have to be the surface vertices. The CollisionMesh class provides a function to map the full vertices and velocities to the surface vertices and velocities. These are CollisionMesh::vertices(full_vertices) and CollisionMesh::map_displacements(full_displacements), respectively.

// Convert full vertices to surface vertices
Eigen::VectorXd vertices = collision_mesh.vertices(full_vertices);

// Construct the set of collisions
ipc::Collisions collisions;, vertices, dhat);

// Construct a barrier potential
ipc::BarrierPotential B(dhat);

// Evaluate the potential
double b = B(collisions, collision_mesh, vertices);

// Convert full velocities to surface velocities
Eigen::VectorXd velocities = collision_mesh.map_displacements(full_velocities);

// Construct the set of friction collisions
ipc::FrictionCollisions friction_collisions;, vertices, collisions, B, barrier_stiffness, mu);

// Construct a friction dissipative potential
ipc::FrictionPotential D(epsv);

double d = D(friction_collisions, collision_mesh, velocities);
# Convert full vertices to surface vertices
vertices = collision_mesh.vertices(full_vertices)

# Construct the set of collisions
collisions = ipctk.Collisions(), vertices, dhat)

# Construct a barrier potential
B = ipctk.BarrierPotential(dhat)

# Evaluate the potential
b = B(collisions, collision_mesh, vertices)

# Convert full velocities to surface velocities
velocities = collision_mesh.map_displacements(full_velocities)

# Construct the set of friction collisions
friction_collisions = ipctk.FrictionCollisions(), vertices, collisions, B, barrier_stiffness, mu)

# Construct a friction dissipative potential
D = ipctk.FrictionPotential(epsv)

d = D(friction_collisions, collision_mesh, velocities)

When computing the gradient and Hessian of the potentials, the derivatives will be with respect to the surface DOF. If you want the derivatives with respect to the full mesh DOF, then we need to apply the chain rule. Fortunately, the CollisionMesh class provides a function to do this (CollisionMesh::to_full_dof):

const BarrierPotential B(dhat);

Eigen::VectorXd grad = B.gradient(collisions, collision_mesh, vertices);
Eigen::VectorXd grad_full = collision_mesh.to_full_dof(grad);

Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> hess = B.hessian(collisions, collision_mesh, vertices);
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> hess_full = collision_mesh.to_full_dof(hess);
B = BarrierPotential(dhat)

grad = B.gradient(collision, collision_mesh, vertices)
grad_full = collision_mesh.to_full_dof(grad)

hess = B.hessian(collision, collision_mesh, vertices)
hess_full = collision_mesh.to_full_dof(hess)

Codimensional Vertices

In some cases, the collision mesh vertices are not the same as the surface vertices of the volumetric mesh vertices. One such case is when simulating codimensional vertices in conjunction with shell or volumetric meshes. In this case, simply calling build_from_full_mesh will not work as it will ignore the vertices that are not connected to any boundary edge. Instead, you can build a vector of booleans that indicate which vertices are on the surface and pass it to the CollisionMesh constructor.

// codim_vertices is a vector of indices of the codimensional vertices
Eigen::VectorXi codim_vertices = ...;

// is_on_surface is a vector of booleans indicating which vertices are on the surface
std::vector<bool> is_on_surface = ipc::CollisionMesh::construct_is_on_surface(
    full_rest_positions.rows(), boundary_edges, codim_vertices);

// Construct the collision mesh from the is_on_surface vector and full mesh data
ipc::CollisionMesh collision_mesh(
    is_on_surface, full_rest_positions, edges, faces);
# codim_vertices is an array of indices of the codimensional vertices
codim_vertices = ...

# is_on_surface is a list of booleans indicating which vertices are on the surface
is_on_surface = ipctk.CollisionMesh.construct_is_on_surface(
    len(full_rest_positions), boundary_edges, codim_vertices)

# Construct the collision mesh from the is_on_surface vector and full mesh data
collision_mesh = ipctk.CollisionMesh(
    is_on_surface, full_rest_positions, edges, faces)

Nonlinear Bases and Curved Meshes

While IPC cannot directly handle nonlinear finite element bases and/or curved meshes, Ferguson et al. [2023] show that displacements and forces can be transferred between a finite element mesh and a collision proxy through the use of a linear map. Given this linear map as a matrix, we can use the CollisionMesh class to map between the full and surface DOF.

// Finite element mesh
Eigen::MatrixXd fe_rest_positions;
Eigen::MatrixXi tets;
// TODO: Show how to load a volumetric mesh from a file (e.g., using MshIO)

// Collision proxy mesh
Eigen::MatrixXd proxy_rest_positions;
Eigen::MatrixXi proxy_edges, proxy_faces;
// Load the proxy mesh from a file
igl::read_triangle_mesh("proxy.ply", rest_positions, faces);
igl::edges(faces, edges);
// Or build it from the volumetric mesh

// Linear map from the finite element mesh to the collision proxy
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> displacement_map = ...; // build or load the displacement map

ipc::CollisionMesh collision_mesh(
    proxy_rest_positions, proxy_edges, proxy_faces, displacement_map);
# Finite element mesh
fe_mesh ="mesh.msh")
fe_rest_positions = mesh.points
tets = mesh.cells_dict["tetra"]

# Collision proxy mesh
# Load the proxy mesh from a file
proxy_mesh ="proxy.ply")
proxy_rest_positions = proxy_mesh.points
proxy_faces = proxy_mesh.cells_dict["triangle"]
proxy_edges = igl.edges(proxy_faces)
# or build it from the volumetric mesh ...

# Linear map from the finite element mesh to the collision proxy
displacement_map = ... # build or load the displacement map

collision_mesh = CollisionMesh(
    proxy_rest_positions, proxy_edges, proxy_faces, displacement_map)

We can then map the displacements using collision_mesh.map_displacement(fe_displacements) or directly get the displaced proxy mesh vertices using collision_mesh.displace_vertices(fe_displacements). Similarly, we can map forces/potential gradients using collision_mesh.to_full_dof(collision_forces) or force Jacobians/potential Hessians using collision_mesh.to_full_dof(potential_hessian).


The function CollisionMesh::vertices(full_positions) should not be used in this case because the rest positions used to construct the CollisionMesh are not the same as the finite element mesh’s rest positions. Instead, use CollisionMesh::displace_vertices(fe_displacements) where fe_displacements is already the solution of the PDE or can be computed as fe_displacements = fe_positions - fe_rest_positions from deformed and rest positions.

Positive Semi-Definite Projection

As described by Li et al. [2020], the Hessian of the potentials can be indefinite. This is problematic when using the Hessian in a Newton step [Li et al., 2020]. To remedy this, we can project the Hessian onto the positive semidefinite (PSD) cone. To do this set the optional parameter project_hessian_to_psd in Potential::hessian to one of the following.

  • ProjectToPSD::CLAMP: Clamp the negative eigenvalues of the Hessian to 0. This is the same as used by Li et al. [2020].

  • ProjectToPSD::ABS: Set the negative eigenvalues of the Hessian to their absolute value. This is the method proposed by Chen et al. [2024].

  • ProjectToPSD.CLAMP: Clamp the negative eigenvalues of the Hessian to 0. This is the same as used by Li et al. [2020].

  • ProjectToPSD.ABS: Set the negative eigenvalues of the Hessian to their absolute value. This is the method proposed by Chen et al. [2024].

Last update: Oct 08, 2024