
double ipc::barrier(const double d, const double dhat)

Function that grows to infinity as d approaches 0 from the right.

\[ b(d) = -(d-\hat{d})^2\ln\left(\frac{d}{\hat{d}}\right) \]

const double d

The distance.

const double dhat

Activation distance of the barrier.


The value of the barrier function at d.

double ipc::barrier_first_derivative(
 double d
, const double dhat)

Derivative of the barrier function.

\[ b'(d) = (\hat{d}-d) \left( 2\ln\left( \frac{d}{\hat{d}} \right) - \frac{\hat{d}}{d} + 1\right) \]

const double d

The distance.

const double dhat

Activation distance of the barrier.


The derivative of the barrier wrt d.

double ipc::barrier_second_derivative(
 double d
, const double dhat)

Second derivative of the barrier function.

\[ b''(d) = \left( \frac{\hat{d}}{d} + 2 \right) \frac{\hat{d}}{d} - 2\ln\left( \frac{d}{\hat{d}} \right) - 3 \]

const double d

The distance.

const double dhat

Activation distance of the barrier.


The second derivative of the barrier wrt d.

Barrier Force Magnitude

double ipc::barrier_force_magnitude(const double distance_squared,
 Barrier& barrier
, const double dhat,
 double barrier_stiffness
, const double dmin = 0)

Compute the magnitude of the force due to a barrier.

const double distance_squared

The squared distance between elements.

const Barrier &barrier

The barrier function.

const double dhat

The activation distance of the barrier.

const double barrier_stiffness

The stiffness of the barrier.

const double dmin = 0

The minimum distance offset to the barrier.


The magnitude of the force.

VectorMax12d ipc::barrier_force_magnitude_gradient(
 double distance_squared
 VectorMax12d& distance_squared_gradient
 Barrier& barrier
, const double dhat,
 double barrier_stiffness
, const double dmin = 0)

Compute the gradient of the magnitude of the force due to a barrier.

const double distance_squared

The squared distance between elements.

const VectorMax12d &distance_squared_gradient

The gradient of the squared distance.

const Barrier &barrier

The barrier function.

const double dhat

The activation distance of the barrier.

const double barrier_stiffness

The stiffness of the barrier.

const double dmin = 0

The minimum distance offset to the barrier.


The gradient of the force.

Adaptive Barrier Stiffness

double ipc::initial_barrier_stiffness(const double bbox_diagonal,
 Barrier& barrier
, const double dhat,
 double average_mass
, const Eigen::VectorXd& grad_energy,
 Eigen::VectorXd& grad_barrier
& max_barrier_stiffness
 double min_barrier_stiffness_scale = 1e11
 double dmin = 0

Compute an inital barrier stiffness using the barrier potential gradient.

const double bbox_diagonal

[in] Length of the diagonal of the bounding box of the scene.

const Barrier &barrier

[in] Barrier function.

const double dhat

[in] Activation distance of the barrier.

const double average_mass

[in] Average mass of all bodies.

const Eigen::VectorXd &grad_energy

[in] Gradient of the elasticity energy function.

const Eigen::VectorXd &grad_barrier

[in] Gradient of the barrier potential.

double &max_barrier_stiffness

[out] Maximum stiffness of the barrier.

const double min_barrier_stiffness_scale = 1e11

[in] Scale used to premultiply the minimum barrier stiffness.

const double dmin = 0

[in] Minimum distance between elements.


The initial barrier stiffness.

double ipc::update_barrier_stiffness(const double prev_min_distance,
 double min_distance
, const double max_barrier_stiffness,
 double barrier_stiffness
, const double bbox_diagonal,
 double dhat_epsilon_scale = 1e-9
, const double dmin = 0)

Update the barrier stiffness if the distance is decreasing and less than dhat_epsilon_scale * diag.

const double prev_min_distance

[in] Previous minimum distance between elements.

const double min_distance

[in] Current minimum distance between elements.

const double max_barrier_stiffness

[in] Maximum stiffness of the barrier.

const double barrier_stiffness

[in] Current barrier stiffness.

const double bbox_diagonal

[in] Length of the diagonal of the bounding box of the scene.

const double dhat_epsilon_scale = 1e-9

[in] Update if distance is less than this fraction of the diagonal.

const double dmin = 0

[in] Minimum distance between elements.


The updated barrier stiffness.

Barrier Class

class Barrier

Inheritence diagram for ipc::Barrier:

digraph { graph [bgcolor="#00000000"] node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2] edge [color="#1414CE"] "1" [label="ipc::Barrier" tooltip="ipc::Barrier" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"] "2" [label="ipc::ClampedLogBarrier" tooltip="ipc::ClampedLogBarrier"] "3" [label="ipc::NormalizedClampedLogBarrier" tooltip="ipc::NormalizedClampedLogBarrier"] "2" -> "1" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] "3" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] }

Base class for barrier functions.

Subclassed by ipc::ClampedLogBarrier

Public Functions

Barrier() = default
virtual ~Barrier() = default
virtual double operator()(const double d, const double dhat) const
= 0

Evaluate the barrier function.

const double d


const double dhat

Activation distance of the barrier.


The value of the barrier function at d.

virtual double first_derivative(
 double d
, const double dhat)
= 0

Evaluate the first derivative of the barrier function wrt d.

const double d


const double dhat

Activation distance of the barrier.


The value of the first derivative of the barrier function at d.

virtual double second_derivative(
 double d
, const double dhat)
= 0

Evaluate the second derivative of the barrier function wrt d.

const double d


const double dhat

Activation distance of the barrier.


The value of the second derivative of the barrier function at d.

virtual double units(const double dhat) const = 0

Get the units of the barrier function.

const double dhat

The activation distance of the barrier.


Clamped Log Barrier

class ClampedLogBarrier : public ipc::Barrier

Inheritence diagram for ipc::ClampedLogBarrier:

digraph { graph [bgcolor="#00000000"] node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2] edge [color="#1414CE"] "2" [label="ipc::Barrier" tooltip="ipc::Barrier"] "1" [label="ipc::ClampedLogBarrier" tooltip="ipc::ClampedLogBarrier" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"] "3" [label="ipc::NormalizedClampedLogBarrier" tooltip="ipc::NormalizedClampedLogBarrier"] "1" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] "3" -> "1" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] }

Collaboration diagram for ipc::ClampedLogBarrier:

digraph { graph [bgcolor="#00000000"] node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2] edge [color="#1414CE"] "2" [label="ipc::Barrier" tooltip="ipc::Barrier"] "1" [label="ipc::ClampedLogBarrier" tooltip="ipc::ClampedLogBarrier" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"] "1" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] }

Smoothly clamped log barrier functions from [Li et al. 2020].

Subclassed by ipc::NormalizedClampedLogBarrier

Public Functions

ClampedLogBarrier() = default
inline virtual double operator()(
 double d
, const double dhat)
 const override

Function that grows to infinity as d approaches 0 from the right.

\[ b(d) = -(d-\hat{d})^2\ln\left(\frac{d}{\hat{d}}\right) \]

const double d

The distance.

const double dhat

Activation distance of the barrier.


The value of the barrier function at d.

inline virtual double first_derivative(
 double d
, const double dhat)
 const override

Derivative of the barrier function.

\[ b'(d) = (\hat{d}-d) \left( 2\ln\left( \frac{d}{\hat{d}} \right) - \frac{\hat{d}}{d} + 1\right) \]

const double d

The distance.

const double dhat

Activation distance of the barrier.


The derivative of the barrier wrt d.

inline virtual double second_derivative(
 double d
, const double dhat)
 const override

Second derivative of the barrier function.

\[ b''(d) = \left( \frac{\hat{d}}{d} + 2 \right) \frac{\hat{d}}{d} - 2\ln\left( \frac{d}{\hat{d}} \right) - 3 \]

const double d

The distance.

const double dhat

Activation distance of the barrier.


The second derivative of the barrier wrt d.

inline virtual double units(const double dhat) const override

Get the units of the barrier function.

const double dhat

The activation distance of the barrier.


The units of the barrier function.

Normalized Clamped Log Barrier

class NormalizedClampedLogBarrier : public ipc::ClampedLogBarrier

Inheritence diagram for ipc::NormalizedClampedLogBarrier:

digraph { graph [bgcolor="#00000000"] node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2] edge [color="#1414CE"] "3" [label="ipc::Barrier" tooltip="ipc::Barrier"] "2" [label="ipc::ClampedLogBarrier" tooltip="ipc::ClampedLogBarrier"] "1" [label="ipc::NormalizedClampedLogBarrier" tooltip="ipc::NormalizedClampedLogBarrier" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"] "2" -> "3" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] "1" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] }

Collaboration diagram for ipc::NormalizedClampedLogBarrier:

digraph { graph [bgcolor="#00000000"] node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2] edge [color="#1414CE"] "3" [label="ipc::Barrier" tooltip="ipc::Barrier"] "2" [label="ipc::ClampedLogBarrier" tooltip="ipc::ClampedLogBarrier"] "1" [label="ipc::NormalizedClampedLogBarrier" tooltip="ipc::NormalizedClampedLogBarrier" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"] "2" -> "3" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] "1" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="public-inheritance"] }

Normalized barrier function from [Li et al. 2023].

Public Functions

NormalizedClampedLogBarrier() = default
inline virtual double operator()(
 double d
, const double dhat)
 const override

Function that grows to infinity as d approaches 0 from the right.

\[ b(d) = -\left(\frac{d}{\hat{d}}-1\right)^2\ln\left(\frac{d}{\hat{d}}\right) \]

const double d

The distance.

const double dhat

Activation distance of the barrier.


The value of the barrier function at d.

inline virtual double first_derivative(
 double d
, const double dhat)
 const override

Derivative of the barrier function.

\[ b'(d) = 2\frac{1}{\hat{d}}\left(1-\frac{d}{\hat{d}}\right)\ln\left(\frac{d}{\hat{d}}\right) + \left(1-\frac{d}{\hat{d}}\right)^2 \frac{1}{d} \]

const double d

The distance.

const double dhat

Activation distance of the barrier.


The derivative of the barrier wrt d.

inline virtual double second_derivative(
 double d
, const double dhat)
 const override

Second derivative of the barrier function.

\[ b''(d) = \frac{\hat{d}^2-2 d^2 \ln \left(\frac{d}{\hat{d}}\right)+2 \hat{d} d-3 d^2}{\hat{d}^2 d^2} \]

const double d

The distance.

const double dhat

Activation distance of the barrier.


The second derivative of the barrier wrt d.

inline virtual double units(const double dhat) const override

Get the units of the barrier function.

const double dhat

The activation distance of the barrier.


The units of the barrier function.

Last update: Jan 21, 2025