

class ipctk.Candidates

Bases: pybind11_object

Public Methods:


build(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.




__getitem__(self, arg0)

is_step_collision_free(self, mesh, ...)

Determine if the step is collision free from the set of candidates.

compute_collision_free_stepsize(self, mesh, ...)

Computes a maximal step size that is collision free using the set of collision candidates.


Computes a conservative bound on the largest-feasible step size for surface primitives not in collision.

compute_cfl_stepsize(self, mesh, ...)

Computes a CFL-inspired CCD maximum step step size.

save_obj(self, filename, vertices, edges, faces)

Inherited from pybind11_object

__annotations__ = {}
__getitem__(self, arg0: int) ipc::ContinuousCollisionCandidate
__len__(self) int
__module__ = 'ipctk'
build(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. build(self: ipctk.Candidates, mesh: ipc::CollisionMesh, vertices: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], inflation_radius: float = 0, broad_phase_method: ipctk.BroadPhaseMethod = <BroadPhaseMethod.HASH_GRID: 1>) -> None

    Initialize the set of discrete collision detection candidates.


    mesh: The surface of the collision mesh. vertices: Surface vertex positions (rowwise). inflation_radius: Amount to inflate the bounding boxes. broad_phase_method: Broad phase method to use.

  2. build(self: ipctk.Candidates, mesh: ipc::CollisionMesh, vertices_t0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], vertices_t1: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], inflation_radius: float = 0, broad_phase_method: ipctk.BroadPhaseMethod = <BroadPhaseMethod.HASH_GRID: 1>) -> None

    Initialize the set of continuous collision detection candidates.


    Assumes the trajectory is linear.


    mesh: The surface of the collision mesh. vertices_t0: Surface vertex starting positions (rowwise). vertices_t1: Surface vertex ending positions (rowwise). inflation_radius: Amount to inflate the bounding boxes. broad_phase_method: Broad phase method to use.

clear(self) None
compute_cfl_stepsize(self: ipctk.Candidates, mesh: ipc::CollisionMesh, vertices_t0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], vertices_t1: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], dhat: float, broad_phase_method: ipctk.BroadPhaseMethod = <BroadPhaseMethod.HASH_GRID: 1>, min_distance: float = 0.0, narrow_phase_ccd: ipctk.NarrowPhaseCCD = <ipctk.TightInclusionCCD object at 0x7fbad839f4f0>) float

Computes a CFL-inspired CCD maximum step step size.


The collision mesh.


Surface vertex starting positions (rowwise).


Surface vertex ending positions (rowwise).


Barrier activation distance.


The minimum distance allowable between any two elements.


The narrow phase CCD algorithm to use.

compute_collision_free_stepsize(self: ipctk.Candidates, mesh: ipc::CollisionMesh, vertices_t0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], vertices_t1: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], min_distance: float = 0.0, narrow_phase_ccd: ipctk.NarrowPhaseCCD = <ipctk.TightInclusionCCD object at 0x7fbada7efd70>) float

Computes a maximal step size that is collision free using the set of collision candidates.


Assumes the trajectory is linear.


The collision mesh.


Surface vertex starting positions (rowwise). Assumed to be intersection free.


Surface vertex ending positions (rowwise).


The minimum distance allowable between any two elements.


The narrow phase CCD algorithm to use.


A step-size \(\in [0, 1]\) that is collision free. A value of 1.0 if a full step and 0.0 is no step.

compute_noncandidate_conservative_stepsize(self: ipctk.Candidates, mesh: ipc::CollisionMesh, displacements: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], dhat: float) float

Computes a conservative bound on the largest-feasible step size for surface primitives not in collision.


The collision mesh.


Surface vertex displacements (rowwise).


Barrier activation distance.

property ee_candidates : list[ipc::EdgeEdgeCandidate]
empty(self) bool
property ev_candidates : list[ipc::EdgeVertexCandidate]
property fv_candidates : list[ipc::FaceVertexCandidate]
is_step_collision_free(self: ipctk.Candidates, mesh: ipc::CollisionMesh, vertices_t0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], vertices_t1: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], min_distance: float = 0.0, narrow_phase_ccd: ipctk.NarrowPhaseCCD = <ipctk.TightInclusionCCD object at 0x7fbad83a74b0>) bool

Determine if the step is collision free from the set of candidates.


Assumes the trajectory is linear.


The collision mesh.


Surface vertex starting positions (rowwise).


Surface vertex ending positions (rowwise).


The minimum distance allowable between any two elements.


The narrow phase CCD algorithm to use.


True if <b>any</b> collisions occur.

save_obj(self, filename: str, vertices: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]], edges: numpy.ndarray[numpy.int32[m, n]], faces: numpy.ndarray[numpy.int32[m, n]]) bool
property vv_candidates : list[ipc::VertexVertexCandidate]

Collision Stencil


This autoclass is not working. I don’t know why. I have to investigate.

Continuous Collision Candidate

class ipctk.ContinuousCollisionCandidate

Bases: pybind11_object

Public Methods:

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

ccd(self, vertices_t0, 1]], vertices_t1, ...)

Perform narrow-phase CCD on the candidate.

print_ccd_query(self, vertices_t0, vertices_t1)

Print the CCD query to cout.

Inherited from pybind11_object

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)
__module__ = 'ipctk'
ccd(self: ipctk.ContinuousCollisionCandidate, vertices_t0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], vertices_t1: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], min_distance: float = 0.0, tmax: float = 1.0, narrow_phase_ccd: ipctk.NarrowPhaseCCD = <ipctk.TightInclusionCCD object at 0x7fbad83ac3b0>) tuple[bool, float]

Perform narrow-phase CCD on the candidate.


Stencil vertices at the start of the time step.


Stencil vertices at the end of the time step.


Minimum separation distance between primitives.


Maximum time (normalized) to look for collisions. Should be in [0, 1].


The narrow phase CCD algorithm to use.


If the candidate had a collision over the time interval. Computed time of impact (normalized).

Return type:

Tuple of

print_ccd_query(self, vertices_t0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]], vertices_t1: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) None

Print the CCD query to cout.

vertices_t0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]

Stencil vertices at the start of the time step.

vertices_t1: Stencil vertices at the end of the time step.

Vertex-Vertex Candidate

class ipctk.VertexVertexCandidate

Bases: CollisionStencil, ContinuousCollisionCandidate

Public Data Attributes:


ID of the first vertex


ID of the second vertex

Public Methods:

__init__(self, vertex0_id, vertex1_id)



__eq__(self, other)

__ne__(self, other)

__lt__(self, other)

Compare EdgeVertexCandidates for sorting.

Inherited from CollisionStencil

__init__(*args, **kwargs)


Get the number of vertices in the collision stencil.

dim(self, ndof)

Get the dimension of the collision stencil.

vertex_ids(self, edges, faces)

Get the vertex IDs of the collision stencil.

vertices(self, vertices, edges, faces)

Get the vertex attributes of the collision stencil.

dof(self, X, edges, faces)

Select this stencil's DOF from the full matrix of DOF.

compute_distance(self, positions)

Compute the distance of the stencil.

compute_distance_gradient(self, positions)

Compute the distance gradient of the stencil w.r.t.

compute_distance_hessian(self, positions)

Compute the distance Hessian of the stencil w.r.t.

Inherited from ContinuousCollisionCandidate

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

ccd(self, vertices_t0, 1]], vertices_t1, ...)

Perform narrow-phase CCD on the candidate.

print_ccd_query(self, vertices_t0, vertices_t1)

Print the CCD query to cout.

Inherited from pybind11_object

__annotations__ = {}
__eq__(self, other: ipctk.VertexVertexCandidate) bool
__hash__ = None
__init__(self, vertex0_id: int, vertex1_id: int)
__lt__(self, other: ipctk.VertexVertexCandidate) bool

Compare EdgeVertexCandidates for sorting.

__module__ = 'ipctk'
__ne__(self, other: ipctk.VertexVertexCandidate) bool
__repr__(self) str
__str__(self) str
property vertex0_id : int

ID of the first vertex

property vertex1_id : int

ID of the second vertex

Edge-Vertex Candidate

class ipctk.EdgeVertexCandidate

Bases: CollisionStencil, ContinuousCollisionCandidate

Public Data Attributes:


ID of the edge


ID of the vertex

Public Methods:

__init__(self, edge_id, vertex_id)




__eq__(self, other)

__ne__(self, other)

__lt__(self, other)

Compare EdgeVertexCandidates for sorting.

Inherited from CollisionStencil

__init__(*args, **kwargs)


Get the number of vertices in the collision stencil.

dim(self, ndof)

Get the dimension of the collision stencil.

vertex_ids(self, edges, faces)

Get the vertex IDs of the collision stencil.

vertices(self, vertices, edges, faces)

Get the vertex attributes of the collision stencil.

dof(self, X, edges, faces)

Select this stencil's DOF from the full matrix of DOF.

compute_distance(self, positions)

Compute the distance of the stencil.

compute_distance_gradient(self, positions)

Compute the distance gradient of the stencil w.r.t.

compute_distance_hessian(self, positions)

Compute the distance Hessian of the stencil w.r.t.

Inherited from ContinuousCollisionCandidate

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

ccd(self, vertices_t0, 1]], vertices_t1, ...)

Perform narrow-phase CCD on the candidate.

print_ccd_query(self, vertices_t0, vertices_t1)

Print the CCD query to cout.

Inherited from pybind11_object

__annotations__ = {}
__eq__(self, other: ipctk.EdgeVertexCandidate) bool
__hash__ = None
__init__(self, edge_id: int, vertex_id: int)
__lt__(self, other: ipctk.EdgeVertexCandidate) bool

Compare EdgeVertexCandidates for sorting.

__module__ = 'ipctk'
__ne__(self, other: ipctk.EdgeVertexCandidate) bool
__repr__(self) str
__str__(self) str
property edge_id : int

ID of the edge

known_dtype(self) ipc::PointEdgeDistanceType
property vertex_id : int

ID of the vertex

Edge-Edge Candidate

class ipctk.EdgeEdgeCandidate

Bases: CollisionStencil, ContinuousCollisionCandidate

Public Data Attributes:


ID of the first edge.


ID of the second edge.

Public Methods:

__init__(self, edge0_id, edge1_id)




__eq__(self, other)

__ne__(self, other)

__lt__(self, other)

Compare EdgeEdgeCandidates for sorting.

Inherited from CollisionStencil

__init__(*args, **kwargs)


Get the number of vertices in the collision stencil.

dim(self, ndof)

Get the dimension of the collision stencil.

vertex_ids(self, edges, faces)

Get the vertex IDs of the collision stencil.

vertices(self, vertices, edges, faces)

Get the vertex attributes of the collision stencil.

dof(self, X, edges, faces)

Select this stencil's DOF from the full matrix of DOF.

compute_distance(self, positions)

Compute the distance of the stencil.

compute_distance_gradient(self, positions)

Compute the distance gradient of the stencil w.r.t.

compute_distance_hessian(self, positions)

Compute the distance Hessian of the stencil w.r.t.

Inherited from ContinuousCollisionCandidate

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

ccd(self, vertices_t0, 1]], vertices_t1, ...)

Perform narrow-phase CCD on the candidate.

print_ccd_query(self, vertices_t0, vertices_t1)

Print the CCD query to cout.

Inherited from pybind11_object

__annotations__ = {}
__eq__(self, other: ipctk.EdgeEdgeCandidate) bool
__hash__ = None
__init__(self, edge0_id: int, edge1_id: int)
__lt__(self, other: ipctk.EdgeEdgeCandidate) bool

Compare EdgeEdgeCandidates for sorting.

__module__ = 'ipctk'
__ne__(self, other: ipctk.EdgeEdgeCandidate) bool
__repr__(self) str
__str__(self) str
property edge0_id : int

ID of the first edge.

property edge1_id : int

ID of the second edge.

known_dtype(self) ipc::EdgeEdgeDistanceType

Edge-Face Candidate

class ipctk.EdgeFaceCandidate

Bases: pybind11_object

Public Data Attributes:


ID of the edge


ID of the face

Public Methods:

__init__(self, edge_id, face_id)



__eq__(self, other)

__ne__(self, other)

__lt__(self, other)

Compare EdgeFaceCandidate for sorting.

Inherited from pybind11_object

__annotations__ = {}
__eq__(self, other: ipctk.EdgeFaceCandidate) bool
__hash__ = None
__init__(self, edge_id: int, face_id: int)
__lt__(self, other: ipctk.EdgeFaceCandidate) bool

Compare EdgeFaceCandidate for sorting.

__module__ = 'ipctk'
__ne__(self, other: ipctk.EdgeFaceCandidate) bool
__repr__(self) str
__str__(self) str
property edge_id : int

ID of the edge

property face_id : int

ID of the face

Face-Vertex Candidate

class ipctk.FaceVertexCandidate

Bases: CollisionStencil, ContinuousCollisionCandidate

Public Data Attributes:


ID of the face


ID of the vertex

Public Methods:

__init__(self, face_id, vertex_id)




__eq__(self, other)

__ne__(self, other)

__lt__(self, other)

Compare FaceVertexCandidate for sorting.

Inherited from CollisionStencil

__init__(*args, **kwargs)


Get the number of vertices in the collision stencil.

dim(self, ndof)

Get the dimension of the collision stencil.

vertex_ids(self, edges, faces)

Get the vertex IDs of the collision stencil.

vertices(self, vertices, edges, faces)

Get the vertex attributes of the collision stencil.

dof(self, X, edges, faces)

Select this stencil's DOF from the full matrix of DOF.

compute_distance(self, positions)

Compute the distance of the stencil.

compute_distance_gradient(self, positions)

Compute the distance gradient of the stencil w.r.t.

compute_distance_hessian(self, positions)

Compute the distance Hessian of the stencil w.r.t.

Inherited from ContinuousCollisionCandidate

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

ccd(self, vertices_t0, 1]], vertices_t1, ...)

Perform narrow-phase CCD on the candidate.

print_ccd_query(self, vertices_t0, vertices_t1)

Print the CCD query to cout.

Inherited from pybind11_object

__annotations__ = {}
__eq__(self, other: ipctk.FaceVertexCandidate) bool
__hash__ = None
__init__(self, face_id: int, vertex_id: int)
__lt__(self, other: ipctk.FaceVertexCandidate) bool

Compare FaceVertexCandidate for sorting.

__module__ = 'ipctk'
__ne__(self, other: ipctk.FaceVertexCandidate) bool
__repr__(self) str
__str__(self) str
property face_id : int

ID of the face

known_dtype(self) ipc::PointTriangleDistanceType
property vertex_id : int

ID of the vertex

Last update: Sep 10, 2024